Monday, June 29, 2009



day finally over,six,
gently screams
that steadfast clock….
the sincerely lazy lizard
just sleeps off....
once again, the sun sets,
sets, to rise again,
rise,wearing the same garb,
to perform the same job.

who pays the sun?
why does it burn ?
day -in,and day-out
whose race it runs?
where is the smoke?
someone stop the damn clock.
sun obeys the time
or,time sun
whirlpool in the chronological drain,
where my dullard life churns.

Intoxicating to watch the languid reptile,
reposing on the wall, while the 'hands' move a mile
ever lethargic,even i have moved some files,
unending work ! arrives another stockpile.
enough,my soul revolts,
enough for now,no more,
its curtains for the meaningful day,
await me, frivolities galore.
Languorous efforts at humour all fail
in the vacuum of inactivity, do we sail……..(we is me n lizzardo named JUGGA)

another joint rolled,
another glass downed,
might burn someplace else,
forlorn,“my sun” has drowned,
in the vast waters of loneliness,
who says he shrieked?
i never heard a sound
rise again morrow,shall
the proud,obdurate orb
at six,dutyful,dutybound.

the blackness
of emptiness,scares me,
the silence of the dark,
shocks: bleeds ,the quietude
of this painful silence.
kills me,kill,the tyranny of time,
the iodine ,on my wounds,
vanishes, sublimes !...
no thought to sleep with,
no toil to get up for,
than to rise with pain hangover
better to live-on
in this state of stupor….

Six,the stopped clock ( who stopped it?)
has written over all its face,
(but) phlegmatic time follows its own pace......
sun is up on horizon,performing its duty,
blazing golden yellow
in all his splendour,all his beauty,
i cursed aloud in sleep, as i felt sunlight
get back to business,this finishes the night,
the lizzard sleeps on,idly,
only for the workaholics,
does the hydrogen burn,
time is,time was,and time
shall be for ever
blessed are those who live-on in stupor......
slaves of time,shall continue to labour
stopped clocks shall bring, lesser mortals, no favour .......